Secure coding

SCA, For a Secure SDLC

January 3, 2014 by

Today's cyberspace has become a dangerous place for individuals and businesses. Vulnerabilities are exploited using sophisticated malware and complex hacking techniques. This is why Security Testing is needed in every software development life-cycle (SDLC). Enter Source Code Analysis (SCA).

SCA is the most comprehensive and efficient way to locate loopholes and protect software, private data and information. Gartner’s 2011 Magic Quadrant for Static Application Security Testing (SAST) states that, “SAST should be considered a mandatory requirement for all IT organizations that develop or procure applications".

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Here are the 3 biggest advantages for users who opt for the SCA solution:

1 – Seamless integration into the product life-cycle

This is biggest advantage of Source Code Analysis. Unlike other testing methods, developers can implement SCA in the initial stages of the software development process. Projects can be tested for vulnerabilities in the Code Repositories even before they reach the build stage. Solutions such as the Checkmarx CxSuite enable complete integration into the SDLC, including complete syncing with the QA process.

2 – Cost-efficient and Time-saving

Finding vulnerabilities in the early stages of development has two huge benefits. Loopholes are located and fixed quickly, saving plenty of resources and production costs. Other testing methods enter the process at a later stage, complicating the repair process. This is why Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is very helpful in saving production costs and shortening development times.

3 – Promotes safer scripting and adds QA functionality

SAST solutions are making the development environments safer. The security aspect of coding is simplified and programmers are not required to specialize in SSDLC procedures. Some Static Testing Tools also double as QA agents, including full integration and merging with other bug tracking and ticketing tools. This helps in optimizing resources and elevating productivity levels.

Application security has become the call of the hour, with industry experts predicting a steep rise in hacker attacks and malware distribution this year. Pen Testing and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) can also protect your product, but SCA is the most comprehensive and effective way to get the job done. A Secure SDLC is the only way to prevent security issues and breaches.

Learn Secure Coding

Learn Secure Coding

Build your secure coding skills in C/C++, iOS, Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP and other languages.

This article was contributed by Sharon Solomon, content specialist for Checkmarx, a leading provider of SCA tools and solutions for the IT industry.
